Magic mushrooms can be either wild or tendered mushrooms that contains natural Psilocybin, psychoactive and hallucinogenic compounds. The substance abuse and mental health services administration rates psilocybin as a well-known psychedelic. 

There are many species within the Psilocybe genus, with similar features. These varieties have different effects from stomach problems to organ failures and death. However, it is important to let people who are very knowledgeable in mushroom identification to make proper selection. 

These types include 

Psilocybe cubensis, which is categorized on the larger side of magic mushrooms and is very common qualifying it a name “common large.” It can also be referred to as the golden cap or Mexican mushroom. But some toxic. This has characteristics such as reddish brown cap, yellowish stem. Upon getting a slight injury, its flesh always turns to blue. This type is commonly grown in humid climates and grows on the dung of reared animals.  

It’s a member of the fungus family called Hymenogastraceae. Its commonness alludes to their ability to be easily cultivated hence huge distribution.  

Nutritionally, the cubensis spp supplies the body with key psychoactive compounds. They include: 4-phosphoryloxy-N-N-dimethyltryptamine, 4-hydroxy-N-N- dimethyltryptamine, 4-phosphoryloxy-N-N-methyltryptamine and 4-phosphoryloxytryptamine. 

Laboratory research reports that chemistry and the psychological predisposition of an individual’s brain play a key role in determining appropriate doses of psilocybin. It further indicates that a minimum of 0.25 of gram of dried mushrooms eaten is enough to produce a mild effect. 

An ingestion beyond a gram is likely to produce strong effects which in turn can be considered as of recreational use or as a drug abused. For most people especially the aged need high level ingestion to maintain their physiological processes at normal.    

Psilocybe Semilanceata. This is another type of mushroom and it also bears other names such as liberty cap. It is commonly found in dumpy fields with grass. Its spread by cattle and sheep mostly through their dung. Characteristics associated with this species include small in size, brown to yellowish in color and has a pointed cap. 

When you Buy Shrooms Online Their caps have slender strips that are usually long and their colors keep changing from cream to purple. This happens as the spores mature. The spores are dark purplish and occur in ellipsoid in shape and measure 10.5 micro meters. 

Legally the mushroom is illegitimate in many countries. So selling or possessing this type may land you to the receiving end of the law. 

Nutritionally, studies have established the hallucinogenic compounds found in the fruit bodies. 1 % of semilanceata spp produces the highest psilocybin concentration of 2.37% dry weight. This is the main reason as to why most country laws illegalize this species.   

Psilocybe baeocystis. This type has the following psychotropic properties, a yellowish stem when fresh, and a dark brown cap. It commonly found growing in fields but in rare cases they can also be seen growing on rotting pieces of wooden logs, peat or mulch. Other names used to identify this species are blue bell and bottom cap. 

In conclusion legal status of psilocybin mushrooms are different in different countries around the world. Therefore possession may draw different reactions from government and interest groups.